Watch our entire Camel Value Video explaining many information and funny funny facts on replying to How Many Camels Am I Worth? It provides also great tips to understand how the assessment is conducted over the world and which are the relevant aspects about camels evaluation.
So it happened, suddenly in your life, that you were looking yourself in the mirror and wondered: “Hey, how many Camels am I worth?” or you have been asked by your beloved “Hey, how many Camels are You worth?“.Â
Surely you would not appreciate a situation where you do not know a proper answer: what if you say “Ehm, I guess about 2 Camels” and your real worth is 25?
Your sweet half will not be happy, and it is better to avoid this kind of situation, as you may already know from the past.
Well, don’t worry! You are the in the right place and soon you will estimate, through our superlative test, your camel value and that kind of situation will be avoided.
You can calculate your score worth by going through the “How Many Camels Am I Worth? ” Quiz test, right now, or read this article, designed to calculate the camel worth, and answer the quiz after you have been informed on the topic.
We suggest to fully read this text before taking the quiz. This will create the proper background to understand the context of tribe camel worth assessment.
What is the meaning of the “How Many Camels Am I Worth?” Quiz?
With this article we mean to answer the question “How Many Camels Am I Worth?” by providing all the useful information helpful in understanding the background required to assess your camel value in an excellent and accurate way.
There are some communities like Marocco, Pakistan or Egypt where traditions and cultures survive the time passing-by and fascinate our vision. They all have in common camels.
This animal represents to them a worthful allied since it is used for transportation of people and goods, it is deployed in place of tractors in agriculture, consumed as food since its milk is valuable, as enery source as their poop can be used like emergency fuel in the desert campfire.Â
Here you can find out more about how camels are integrated with humans, if you like the topic.Â
You have to know that many communities take into account the value of properties, animals, lands, money, gold, etc. when determining the wealth of a person.
This usually happens when a man is going to get married. The man has to show to her family his wealth in terms of the above assets, according also to their community’s norms.
Depending on the geographic area, this question is also known as the ” How many Goats am I worth? ” or the ” How many Horses am I worth? “.
They have the same meaning as the “How many Camels am I worth?” with a different trade good.
As we have explained earlier, the type of wealth that takes into account depends on the norms and beliefs of a particular community.
In general, this is also known as the ” Bride Price “.
The ” Dowry ” is, instead, about the girl (or her family) that has to show her economic wealth to the family of the man she is going to marry.
When it comes to the Dowry, it is paid by the woman or her family at the time of engagement or marriage.
Further, in some communities and situations, both the Dowry and Bride Price is exchanged at the same time.
It comes naturally at this point to understand that evaluating your camel value has the meaning of better assessing your Dowry or Bride Price; in addition it satiates your thirst for knowledge about this never–aged question.
How much is a Camel worth? The History of Camels Worth Tradition
I bet you will never figure out how much worthy a camel could be.
According to wikihow, it costs around $2,000 USD to care for a camel annually. This includes all the expenses to feed the animal, organise its accommodation and take care of all the other aspects.
The acquiring prices vary depending on the region and the camel breed.
- In the United States, you can expect to spend around $10,000 for a mature gelding and up to $20,000 for a pregnant female.
- In Egytpt, smaller camels costs 15,000 EGP ($500), but bigger beasts can sell for 50,000 EGP ($1650).
- In Turkey, it is possible to spend even $100,000 for competition camels.
- In Pakistan, the price vary from Rs 300,000 ($1,075) to Rs 400,000 ($1435).
- In Africa, the cost should be around 60,000 Kenyan shillings ($470).
- In general, if you want to buy a male camel you are supposed to spend around £40,000 corresponding to $55,000.
With this worldwide data, the camel average price is $28,000 USD.
However, in some countries like Africa or Egypt, you can purchase a camel at the lowest price of $470, while in other countries like Turkey the price can be $100,000 and more.
If we like to include the annual care expenses in the computation, the camel average worth at the end of the buying year will be $2,000 + $28,000 = $30,000.
As we have mentioned, the boy or his family has first to pay the Bride Price, to get the permission from the girl’s family to marry the girl.
Both the Brice Price and the Dowry can be evaluated in terms of number of Camels.
This is a common tradition in tribes from Egypt, Turkey, Africa and Pakistan.
The permission from the girl’s family is a mandatory requirement; the marriage will not be considered by the community a valid marriage without families’ approval.
The Bride Price value may include Gold, Money, Animals, Castles, Camels, Lands, Properties, and so on.
So when it comes to the Dowry, it is the same as the Bride Price in terms of assessment. However, last one is paid to the Bride’s family.
How many Goats is a Camel Worth? so, How many Camels is a Goat worth?
This is a funny camel question which requires us to know the goat average worth.
We have already computed the goat average worth in the How Many Goats Am I Worth? article, if you want to give it a read.
The goat worth that we have evaluated is $680, while the camel one is $30,000. These values should not surprise you as we have done the calculations together.
It is easy to compute that a single camel worths about 44 goats! This means that the average camel value is fourty four times higher than goat one.Â
Instead, on the other side a single goat worths about 0.023 camels! Meaning that the average goat value is zero-point-zero-two times higher than goat one.Â
In other words it is true to say: 44 goats = 1 camel or 1 goat = 0.023 camel.
Now that you know How many Goats is a Camel Worth? and How many Camels is a Goat worth?, you can go on and evaluate your own camel value!
Let’s Calculate your Camels Value and check if your Camel score is the highest!
We have designed a series of questionnaire-based on several factors to calculate your camel value.Â
The test has the meaning of drafting a personal profile in terms of Physical, Economical and Educational level.
In order to achieve the objective, the quiz asks the user to give an answer to 10 questions about the fields above described.
By following the quiz, you can get an idea about how many camels your Dowry or Bride Price would be worth in terms of number.
To compute the result of the test we have used the updated unitary camel price (worth) of $30,000, as we have seen before together.
The personal camel worth score can be evaluated as the following:
CAMEL price * est. n. of CAMEL
where the estimated number of camels can be determined by any kind of scoring system that you prefer to adopt.
What is the Highest Score on our Camel Calculator?
In our test we have given to each question a different scoring result, depending on the answer and the highest score on our Camel Value Calculator is determined by the highest score range.
The test has been adapted from the quiz “How Many Goats Am I Worth?”, considering the local cultural differences.
We have prepared carefully 10 questions: 4 are about the Physical field, 4 are regarding the Economical field and 2 are to assess the Educational field.
After the user replies, we collect the results and organize them to be shown in a form of 0-5 order, where 5 is the highest level.
In this way, numerous scoring ranges are determined for the camel value and the final personal worth score can be computed.
You can go through this question series irrespective of whether your gender.
In other words, it does not matter whether you are a Girl or Boy; you can go ahead and calculate your camel value.
If you are a boy, you can calculate the camel value of your Bride Price and if you are a girl, you can calculate the camel value of your Dowry.
This is an estimated value of a boy or girl before their marriage: let’s see a real example as to how those communities use this camel wealth.
When a boy finds a girl that he likes, he starts an affair with her and he usually informs the family about that woman:
Family – So you would like to get married and you found a girl you like.
Family – How many camels is she worth?Â
Family – She will create a new family with you and bring her Dowry.
Boy – I’m not sure, maybe 10 camels and and 1 castle. I would pay any price for her.
Family – We have to consider the importance of our descendants continuation.Â
Family – We will give no one less than 15 camels and 2 castles as Bride Price.
Boy – ok I agree with that, now you know her value.Â
This imaginary example expresses the feelings and the reasoning behind the estimation process.
now go ahead with our “How many Camels am I worth?” quiz
calculate now your camel value!
The Quiz
0%Physical Age Assessment
Your age range is an important driver to determine your camel exchange value because it is related to your time possibility of generation and so the cultural success of your marriage.Show hintPlease tell us more about your age. Don’t lie if you want a precise computation 🙂
Physical Weight Assessment
In many foreign cultures being a over-weight is a positivie characteristic as it is directly related to fertility and favorable future prospects. In there countries, the more weight you have, the more value you have.Show hintPlease tell us more about your actual weight. ..It is not working like you think it should 🙂
Physical Preparation and Train Experience Assessment
In assessing the camel value it is often considered the ability of doing physical work: it is relevant because it exists the possibility that the getting married guy is asked to promise to work at the father of the bride for a fixed amount of time; for the wife, it translates into the real chance of doing house works or children caring activities which usually requires not irrelevant physical effort (e.g walk miles to go and collect water).Show hintPlease rate your physical preparation and training experience matching one of the possibilities.
Physical Height Assessment
Not as it is working for phyisical preparation of the previous question, having over average height is a negative factor for this kind of culture as the average height is lower than northern countries and being over-height is considered stranger.Show hintPlease evaluate your height comparing it to the average of your country. ..Surprise!
Economic Income Assessment
In rural cultures, bartering still exists and usually is the primary method of exchange. Considering this, being able to produce exchangeable goods or services is another serious aspect in assessing your camel value and it has to be considered.Show hintEvaluate your capability of producing goods and services with added value and/or receive payments for working performance.
Economic Asset Assessment
The bride price and the dowry are often compared to the partner assets portfolio and balanced with that. A rich pretender means that we would have a bigger bride price, but also an increased dowry offered by the family.Show hintTell us something about how many valuable goods you own, try to count them! you can count descendants 🙂
Economic Experience Assessment
Having already spent time on productive activities with positive results increases own economic value and own attractiveness to the eyes of society and other individuals. This is common in different cultures worldwide.Show hintDescribe your working experience if you ever had one, of course 🙂
Economic Cunning Assessment
Being able to save money and prepare for the future is another strong characteristic that society and the cultural system value positively. It increases bargaining power because of the higher than average will strengh.Show hintIf you could save and spend money, net with your living expenses, what percentage would you spend and what amount would you save?
Instruction Level Assessment
Higher instruction levels mean more interest from possible partners since it is usually a cofactor for high positions in the societal and cultural order.Show hintWhat is you actual level of instruction?
Instruction Degree Assessment
The level of your instructional preparation matters of course aswell, in computing your camel value and has to be compared to the one of other people from your same country.Show hintHow is your degree of instruction compared to your country’s average?
How Many Camels Am I Worth? – Quiz to Assess Camel Value (RELEASE 2023)Large Caravan of 12+ American Camels (or 120+Tribes Camels)Congratulations! Scored the maximum score! You are amazing! Your physical characteristics and your economical situation joint with your degree of instruction are at the highest levels around and they require a lot of camels to be bought! You are an attractive person with a brilliant future coming ahead and you need so many Camels to be gathered to be equalled in camel terms. The personal Camel Value is over $360,000+ because of a number of American Camel in carovan over 12+. It is computed considering an average world camel price of $30,000 for each single camel. Instead, if we consider the Tribes Average Camel Price of $3000, your Camel Value Number is 120+. Share the test to compare this value with your friend and find out who is the most valuable out there!Big Carovan of 7+ American Camels (or 70+ Tribes Camel)Congratulations! Scored a great score! You are delicious! Your physical characteristics and your economical situation joint with your degree of instruction are above average levels around and they require a discrete amount of camels to be bought! You are a person who stands out with a clear future incoming and you need many camels to be gathered to be equalled in camels terms. The personal Camel Value is over $210,000+ because of a number of American Camels in carovan over 7+. It is computed considering an average world camel price of $30,000 for each single camel. Instead, if we consider the Tribes Average Camel Price of $3000, your Camel Value Number is 70+. Share the test to compare this value with your friend and find out who is the most valuable out there!Medium Carovan of 5+ American Camels (or 50+ Tribes Camels)Congratulations! Scored a medium score! You are appreciable! Your physical characteristics and your economical situation joint with your degree of instruction are as the average levels around and they require a medium amount of camels to be bought! You are a person who stands out with a challenging but controllable future incoming and you need a discrete number of Camels to be gathered to be equalled in camels terms. The personal Camel Value is over $150,000+ because of a number of American Camels in carovan over 5+. It is computed considering an average world camel price of $30,000 for each single camel. Instead, if we consider the Tribes Average Camel Price of $3000, your Camel Value Number is 50+. Share the test to compare this value with your friend and find out who is the most valuable out there!Medium-Small Carovan of 2+American Camels (or 20+ Tribes Camels)You have to get better! Scored a medium-low score! Your your effort is evident! Your physical characteristics and your economical situation joint with your degree of instruction are a bit below the average levels around and they require a medium-low amount of camels to be bought! You are a person putting the required effort for the challenging future that is incoming but you need to train more and improve; however, you need a medium-low number of camels to be gathered to be equalled in camels terms. The personal Camel Value is over $60,000+ because of a number of American Camels in carovan over 2+. It is computed considering an average world camel price of $30,000 for each single camel. Instead, if we consider the Tribes Average Camel Price of $3000, your Camel Value Number is 20+. Share the test to compare this value with your friend and find out who is the most valuable out there!Small Carovan of a single American Camel (or 10+ Tribes Camels)You have to do something! Scored a low score! Your situation is dramatic! Your physical characteristics and your economical situation joint with your degree of instruction are a way below the average levels around and they require a low amount of camel to be bought! You are a person not putting enough effort for challenging future incoming and you need to train a lot more and improve very much; however, you need a low number of camels to be gathered to be equalled in camels terms. The personal Camel Value is over $30,000+ because of a number of American Camel over 1+. It is computed considering an average world camel price of $30,000 for each single camel. Instead, if we consider the Tribes Average Price of $3000, your Camel Value Number is 10+. Share the test to compare this value with your friend and find out who is the most valuable out there!Share your Results:
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