Physical Age Assessment
Please tell us more about your age. Don't lie if you want a precise computation 🙂
Physical Weight Assessment
Please tell us more about your actual weight. Yeah, we know it is a personal matter, data will be kept sectret!
Physical Preparation and Train Experience Assessment
Please rate your physical preparation and training experience matching one of the possibilities.
Physical Height Assessment
Please evaluate your height comparing it to the average of your country.
Economic Income Assessment
Evaluate your capability of producing goods and services with added value and/or receive payments for working performance.
Economic Asset Assessment
Tell us something about how many valuable goods you own, try to count them! you can count descendants 🙂
Economic Experience Assessment
Describe your working experience if you ever had one, of course 🙂
Economic Cunning Assessment
If you could save and spend money, net with your living expenses, what percentage would you spend and what amount would you save?
Instruction Level Assessment
What is you actual level of instruction?
Instruction Degree Assessment
How is your degree of instruction compared to your country's average?
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