Many people like to give German Dog Names for their Pets.
Moreover, there are many reasons why someone wants to get a German Dog Name for their Dog.

The reason could be one of the following.
Your Dog might be a German Dog Breed such as German Shepherd, Rottweiler, German Shorthaired Pointer, and so on.
So, you might be interested in giving a name that convinces his origin and Heritage.
You may also like German Boy Dog names because most of them are very easy to pronounce and cool to hear.
So in this article, we have given 500+ German Dog names with their meanings under different categories and preferences.
As the first section, we have given Top Male and Female German Dog Names as below.
Male German Dog Names and Meanings
- Adler – Original meaning is Eagle
- Adolph – Noble Wolf
- Albern – Noble Worrior
- Albert – Bright and Noble
- Albrecht – Noble, Bright and Famous
- Aldo – Old and Wise (A German baby name)
- Alfred – Elf and Counselor
- Alger – Noble spearman
- Alphonse – Ready for a fight
- Alvin – Noble friend
- Arlo – Meaning “Hill”
- Arnold – Eagle, Power and Brightness
- Arvin – People’s friend
- August – Great, Magnificent and Venerable
- Axel – Father of Peace
- Bach – Burn, Stream, Creek and Brook
- Baldwin – Brave, Bold Friend
- Bernard – Brave as a Bear
- Bismarck – A Doughnut filled with Jelly
- Bruno – Brown
- Cayden – Warrior or Fighter
- Claus/Klaus – People of vistory
- Clovis – Renowned fighter
- Damian – The Fighter
- Dedrick – The People’s Ruler
- Dieter – Warrior of The People
- Dirk – Also The People’s Ruler
- Donner – Thunder
- Duxi – Warrior of The People
- Ellard – Noble and Brave
- Emmet – Universal
- Ernie/Ernest/Ernst – Serious Business
- Felix – Lucky
- Ferdinand – Protection, Peace
- Franz – Free Man
- Frederick – Peaceful Ruler
- Frido – Powerful
- Fritz – Peaceful Ruler
- Garin – Guardian
- Gunther – Warrior
- Hamlin – Little Home-Lover
- Zelig – Blessed one
- Hans – Little Hans
- Harbin – Little Bright Warrior
- Heinrich – Home of the king
- Heinz – Also home of the king
- Helmar – Famous Protector
- Hendrik – Home Ruler
- Hugo – Mind
- Imre – Strength
- Jaeger – Hunter
- Kaiser – Emperor
- Keene – Ancient
- Leonard – Lion strength
- Leopold – Brave
- Luther – Army
- Manfred – Man of Peace
- Max – Greatest
- Meyer – Bringer of Light
- Milo – Beloved
- Mozart – Bog, Marsh
- Norbert – Bright
- Otto – Wealth, Prosperity
- Ozzy –Spear of the Gods
- Prinz – Prince
- Raymond – Guards wisely
- Ritter – Edler
- Roland – Famous throughout the land
- Rolf – Famous wolf
- Rowland – Famous in the land
- Rudolph/Rudy – Also famous wolf
- Schatzi – Treasure
- Schwartz – Black
- Sigmund – Victorious protection
- Stein – Stone
- Theobold – The boldest
- Ugo – Mind, Heart and Spirit
- Ulf – Wolf
- Verner – Army Defender
- Waldo – Ruler
- Walter – Army Ruler
- Wilfred – Determined Peacemaker
- Wolfgang – Traveling Wolf
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Female German Dog Names and Meanings

Germans use most of the baby girls’ names to name their female dogs as well.
So let’s have a look at the most beautiful Female German dog names in the below list.
- Schatzie – Little sweetheart
- Sofie – Wisdom
- Milla – Industrious
- Petra – Solid as Rock
- Marta – Lady
- Lorelei – Alluring
- Norberta – Blonde Heroine
- Trudy – Spear of Strength
- Sascha – Defender of Mankind
- Wilhelmina – Protector
- Mischa – Who is like God
- Zenzi – To spring up, Grow, Thrive
- Vera – Faith, Truth
- Winola – Charming Friend
- Ursula – Little female bear
- Tilli – Battle Maiden
- Nadja – Hope
- Olinda – Protector of Property
- Zelda – Gray Fighting Maid
- Ulrika – All-ruling, Wolf ruler
- Wanda – Shepherdess; Wanderer
- Millie – Gentle Strength
- Vala – Singled out
- Sigrid – Beautiful Victory
- Sonje – Wisdom
- Liebe – Love
- Trudi – Strong spear Warrior
- Ula – Pearl
- Lola – Lady of Sorrows
- Raina – Mighty Army
- Zelda – Battle Maid
- Winifred – Peaceful Friend
- Nia – Bright
- Lotti – Little Woman
- Mareike – Obstinacy, Rebelliousness
- Liesel – Pledged to God
- Matilda – Mighty in Battle
- Romey – Obstinate, Rebellious
- Emma – Universal
- Fräulein – Miss
- Beate – Happy
- Claudia – Enclosure
- Aubrey – Noble
- Anka – Purse
- Brunhilde – Armed for battle
- Gerda – Protected
- Elsa – Pledged to God
- Hulda – Sweet, Lovable
- Bernadette – Brave as a bear
- Leona – Lioness
- Helga – Pious
- Irmalinda – Soft, Tender, Gentle
- Gretchen/Greta – Pearl
- Frieda – Peaceful
- Berta – Intelligent, Glorious
- Caroline – Free man
- Katrin – Great Beauty
- Gretchen – Pearl
- Hilda – Battle Woman
- Beatrix – She who brings Happiness
- Heidi – Of noble Birth
- Frauke – Little Lady
- Frederika – Peaceful Ruler
- Ada – Noble, Kind
- Fritzi – Also peaceful Ruler
- Greta – Also Pearl
- Amelia – Worker
- Dagmar – Famous, Glorious
- Kaja – Alive
- Ida – Hardworking
- Britta – Strength
- Annette – the Lord has Favored Me
- Annika – Graceful
- Addie – Also noble, Nobility
- Ava – Life
- Ella – All, Completely; Fairy Maiden
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Popular Location Names in Germany used as Dog Names.

Some of the cool names of Cities and regions in Germany have given their names to German dogs as well.
Below is a list of German dog names that derived from famous German locations.
- Hasse – The capital city is the Wiesbaden. However, the largest metropolitan area in Hasse is Frankfurt.
- Thuringia – This state is located in central Germany. Further, the capital city of this state is Erfurt.
- Weimer – The city is known for the Birthplace of Weimer Classicism.
- Erfurt – It is a city where Martin Luther lived as a monk.
- Jena – It has lots of Vintage places to watch.
- Postdam – The city is located in the border of Berlin. Further, it was once a summer home for King of Prussia.
- Cottbus – It is most popular for English Style Branitz Park.
- Brandenburg – The city is famous for the Gothic brand.
- Munich – Bavaria is the Capital in Munich. Also, this is the city where Annual Oktoberfest happens.
- Berlin – The Central Capital of Germany. It still has the remainders of famous Berlin walls.
- Frankfurt – The Central Bank of Germany is located here. Also, this is the Birthplace of famous writer Johann Wolfgang
- Hamburg – It is a major port city in Germany. Also, the city is connected with Hundreds of canals.
- Cologne – The famous Rhine river goes across this city. Further, it is also the region’s cultural hub.
- Düsseldorf – The city is known for the fashion industry and Arts.
- Stuttgart – This city is one of the major manufacturing hubs in Germany.
- Dresden – This is the capital city of Saxony state. So this could be one of the matching German dog names for your list.
- Vienna – It is Austria’s capital city. Moreover, this city is famous for its imperial places.
- Salzburg – It is also an Austrian city. Further, you can have a great view of the Alps from this city.
- Bavaria – It is a landlocked state in Germany. Also it covers about one-fifth of the total German Lands.
- Rhine – Rhine is one of the Major rivers for entire Europe. Further, the source of the river in Switzerland.
- Elbe – Elbe is also one of the major rivers in Europe. It begins in the Czech Republic.
- Danube – This Europe’s second-longest river.
German Food Names for Pets

German foods are tasty and delicious. So when you are giving a name of such delicious food to a dog, you will get that soft feeling every time you call your Dog.
Let’s see what are the German Dog Names inspired from German foods.
- Schnitzel – Is a piece of Meat fried in fat. Usually, meats are breaded before frying. This food is popular in many countries and uses many types of meats like chicken, pork, mutton, and so on to make it.
- Brezel – It is a type of pastry made from dough. Also, its shape is like a knot.
- Wurst – It is the German name for Sausages. It comes in many meat types such as Chicken, Pork, Mutton, etc.
- Sauerkraut – Rawly sliced cabbages. Further, Most of the Germans love these salted cabbage foods.
- Spätzle – It is a Pasta variant make with Eggs. Most popular in southern Germany.
- Knödel – It is a famous food in central Europe. The food is made with boiled dumplings.
- Goulash – This food consists of Meat and Vegetables. Further, It is made by seasoning with many European spices.
- Sauerbraten – It is made from Meat and is a Traditional German Roasted meat.
- Bratwurst – This is also a German Sausage variant.
- Rinderroulade – This is a traditional Dish made from Meat in Saxony.
German Dog Names Inspired by various Beverages

Same as Foods, Germans usually drink a considerable amount of Beer.
Further, Germany is the number three country in terms of Beer consumption. First and Second places goes to Czech Republic and Austria respectively.
With such a beer culture, there is a trending influence in giving Beer and Beverage names to German dogs.
Below are some of the German beverage names ideas to use as German dog names.
- Oktoberfest – Oktoberfest is one of the biggest German cultural festivals, almost all the Germans celebrate it in October.
- Pilsner – Is a type of Pale lager. This name “Pilsner” has got from a city in the Czech Republic.
- Oettinger – This is also a famous brewery company in Germany.
- Maibock – This is also known as “heller bock”. It is a lightly toasted malted beer in Germany.
- Kölsch – This Beer brand came from the Cologne city of Germany. It looks bright and clear in appearance.
- Dunkel – German word with a meaning of Dark German Lager.
- Märzen – The home of this Larger is Bavaria. Also, it comes with different colors depending on the variant.
- Paulaner – Paulaner brewery company is a famous brewery company in Munich.
- Krombacher – This is one of the best-selling brewery brands in Germany.
- Bierkrug – The meaning of this word is the “Mug” in German.
- Hefe – This is a type of wheat beer from Bavaria.
Public Figures, Scientists, Artists and Celebrities Names for Dogs

German has lots of International Artists and Celebrities in different industries such as Music, Cinema, Literature and So on.
Therefore, Some of the German dog names have influenced by the names of Historical and Famous Persons of Germany.
For example, Beethoven is a famous composer. Therefore, many people around the world love them.
Moreover, Germany has produced some of the greatest people in the world.
So Albert Einstein is one of such persons that we all know..
Below is a list of Dog names inspired by German famous characters.
- Albert Einstein – Introductions are not necessary; Albert Einstein is one of the greatest physicists ever lived on earth.
- Ludwig van Beethoven – He is a famous German composer and pianist. Also, most of his music is amongst the top-rated classical music categories.
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – He is also a classical music composer. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik is one of his famous works.
- Johann Sebastian Bach – German composer and musician, and he is famous for instrumental compositions.
- Sigmund Freud – He is the founder of psychoanalysis.
- Marlene Dietrich – She was a German American Actor and a Singer. Also, many people believed that she was one of the most beautiful women in that era.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger – He is a German-born American Actor and a Brand for bodybuilding.
- Christoph Waltz – Waltz is a German Australian Actor and Director.
- Heidi Klum – She is a popular German Model and Television personality. Also, she was the first German woman to become Victoria’s Secrets model.
Hunting German Dog Names
German dogs are famous for hunting. So their owners give them nave to influence such feelings.
Below is a list of Hunting Boy Dogs.
- Ajax – This name comes from historical, mythical Greek stories.
- Arko – The meaning of this word is “Ruler” or the “Eagle.”
- Attila – He was a famous leader in the 5th century. Further, he won a battle against the Roman Empire.
- Birko – It has the meaning of “Strong” in German.
- Blitz – This is a German word for “lightning.”
- Harras – This word has the meaning of “Military Leader.”
- Treu – It has the meaning of “Loyal” and “Faithful” in the German Language.
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Unique German Pet Names
Like any other dog owner, some German people want to give names to their dogs that are rarely in use.
So below are some of those rare and unique boy dog names in Germany.
- Mozart – Bog, Marsh
- Hopfen – This is an ingredient known as hops to make Beer.
- Norberta – Blonde heroine
- Schimmel – It means “Penny” in German.
- Ziggy – This means Victorious Protector.
Cute German Dog Names
Below are some of the funniest and cutiest German Names for Dogs.
- Schnitzel – A famous German dish.
- Knödel – It means dumpling in German.
- Schnuki – Cute pet name.
- Milo – It means love of someone.
- Liebe – This also means the Love in German Language.
Strong German Dog Names
Some of the German dog breeds, such as German Shepherds, are stronger than other dog breeds.
So the owners of strong dongs want to give names that convince their power.
Therefore, we have given a list of strong dog names as below.
- Heinrich – Home of the King
- August – “Great,” “Magnificent” and “Venerable”
- Rudolph – Famous wolf.
- Stein – This is an excellent name for an energetic dog. Because the meaning of this word is “stone.”
- Edel – It means “respect” in German.
- Garin – Guardian.
- Madelhari – War Counselor.
- Gerwalta – It means “mighty with a spear” in German.
Cool German Dog Names
Let’s see all the other cool dog names in this section.
- Frau or Fraulein – Mrs. and Miss in German, respectively.
- Herr – German term for Mister.
- Deutsche – The word for German in that language.
- Liebling – Translating to “darling,” A term expressing the Love.
- Liebchen – It means “Sweetheart”. You can similarly use the word “Liebchen” as well.
- Schnucki – A word to express Love and care, and the meaning is close to “sweetie-pie.”
- Süße (die) / Süßer (der) – Translating to “sweet,” this could be an excellent name for your pup.
- Prost – The meaning of the word is “cheers.”
- Schatz – It gives the same meaning as “Sweetheart.” Further, the word has the meaning of treasure as well.
- Maus – Meaning “mouse” in German.
- Hase – The English word is “bunny,” Many Germans use this as a nickname to call women.
- Bärchen – The meaning of English translation is bear. Also, it is a cute name for Pomeranian type dogs.
- Porsche – German-made supercar brand.
- Mercedes or Benz – Luxury vehicle brand that produces in Germany.
- Audi – This is also a German motor vehicle brand.
- Rapunzel – It is the name of a princess that is in the storybook of “The tale of this long-haired princess.”
- Hansel – Hansel and Gretel are brother and sisters of a German story.
- Gretel – Gretel is the Sister of the above story.
- Hund –German term for the dog!
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Find Dog names from other Countries and Regions
It is a great idea to pick a German name for your Dog.
However, make sure that the name you are going to pick is easy to pronounce.
Further, think from your dogs’ side as well.
Whether he will be able to grab this name quickly and respond accordingly.
Check out country specific Dog names in below articles.
- French Dog Names
- Spanish Dog Names
- British Dog Names
- Scottish Dog Names
- Irish Dog Names
- Hawaiian Dog Names
- Mexican Dog Names
- Italian Dog Names
- Greek Dog Names
- Japanese Dog Names
- Australian Dog Names
- Alaskan Dog Names
- Korean Dog Names
- Russian Dog Names
- Native American Dog Names
- Polish Dog Names
- African Dog Names
- Indian Dog Names